Explore the polarities of Rhythms inherent in the signs of the Zodiac!
With Speech and Poetry, Movement and Meaning
Watercolour and Pastels
As well as
Original Poetry created in a GROUP POEM
Zodiac Verses by Katherine Rudolph
World Literature!
With the understandings arising out of the 24 Rhythms, one can recognise the rhythms in words, parts of speech, and sentence structure…This is an introductory overview which will be expanded in a sequence of three short Workshops to be held every few months. Cardinal, Fixed, and Common Signs will be experienced in Rhythm.
VENUE: Melbourne Therapy Centre – The Green Room
221 Wonga Rd. Warranwood, Vic
TIME: 2:30 – 6:30 Saturday, 19 November 2022
FEE: $50 or $40 and 10 LETS points
Including Afternoon Tea