Cardinal Signs : Opposite Rhythms : showing positive qualities
Aries – Libra
Aries – Amphibrachus – short long short
Embracing dynamic renewal,
I challenge with daring resistance
Asserting and acting directly,
‘Midst cheering for fresh independence.
To grow and develop a candid
And spirit-filled striving for answers,
I act to awaken endeavours
And weave an encouraging welcome.
For those I esteem and attend to
My incentive for noble achievement
And attitudes strong and persuasive
Abounds in the midst of dilemmas.
The discipline needed to triumph
And forge the frontiers of the future:
The flame of the light of charisma
Will serve to awaken new thought-life.
Libra – Kreticus – long short long
Hear my heart: I am true to my mate;
Hoping for honesty and aplomb.
I can trust freedom and peace of mind.
Social life means the world to my soul.
Justice is wrought with love.
Now observe boundaries, yet remain
Open to other’s hearts; please accept
Sound advice from a fair-minded friend:
End disputes – trivial bickering, selfishness
merciful levity may outweigh petty strife.
Sacrifice, seeking fair, balancing arguments
To create pleasantness, and assuage
Feelings of disrespect and unrest.
Cultural difference may help bring quality.
Tactfulness will prevail ev’ry time:
Orient to the flow, of the word.
Compromise is a way of sharing…
Cancer Iambic. – short long
I bring the solace born of love, and nourish those who hunger;
Remembering how good it feels, when caring folks are near.
And when the poor in spirit come, I open up the door
I help them find a shelter here – no matter who they are.
They gain rapport with others who are equal to the task;
Of making home hospitable, a place where family
And friends can meet and have a chat to pass the time of day,
Or rest out in the garden ‘neath the budding apple tree…
While gathered ‘round the hearthfire in the kitchen where it’s warm,
The trials and woes of daily life are easier to take.
A household built with practical purposes in mind
Will be a worthy place to share our dreams, and make our plans.
Ideas are expressed and fluently provide the impulse
And the aims to form a home – a world that’s safe and free:
A place where children can mature and grow to take their place
And bring the roots of strong support to our society!
Capricorn Trochee – . long short
I can help provide the structure for the service.
Ways to organise the necessary agencies involved in planning,
To assist the people. To provide a framework whereby
Various aspects of disaster can be dealt with.
Let me be the one to answer this dilemma;
For I have experienced fires and floods, tornados –
Even hurricanes, and horrible tsunamis also. And I know just
What is needed: People to contact and all that they provide for
Each case will require a different solution. All must take responsibility, and
Be prepared, but someone needs to oversee the situation.
Government is here to meet all circumstances that affect our welfare.
Fear of nuclear disasters must also be met. Let us face this together.
Rhythms of the Zodiac Poems
Theme: Social Regeneration
(merely using the qualities of the following rhythms)
Aries : Amphibrachus . – .
Libra: Kreticus – . –
It’s time to develop a new kind of living together;
Let’s create atmospheres for the ones
Create a new image of what our potential may offer…
Who will build groups that share common goals:
To find how to work if we want to tell others who listen,
Learn to see how to speak to their friends…
What may be of help to progress in the process of living;
To be fair – love their words… They reveal
And make conversation and communication more able
In their own rhythmic speech who they are…
To flourish and find resolutions of present dilemmas.
They react and respond in their way.
Combination: . – . and – . –
‘I have the ideas; now help me fulfil them…
To bring down a project that helps to go onwards!’
‘Set up times where to meet. Organise how to start.
Print out signs, scheduling lecture times. Deal with stress!’
Other Examples of . – . Amphibracus Aries
. – .
‘Sycamores’ Sophia Walsh
‘Dandelions’ K. R.
The breezes have shaken What beautiful measures
The winged seeds and taken Make way for the pleasures
Them dancing. Of growing
Gyrating them fealty Light whirling o’er meadows.
In measures completely Wherever the wind blows,
Entrancing! They’re going!
‘Moonrise’ K. R.
I’m up and I’m flying away from the ground…and seeking the midnight where rounding the sounding…
The zenith I’ll meet with its moment of triumph…Arrive at the point where the centre of sky comes…
And then from on high will I see the astounding…Surroundings and glimpse the life core of the earth’s bright…
New future made present…Behold its unfolding!
Ages 21 – 42 Biography
What times of attainment…Fulfilling achievement…Of serving and trying…Of seeking and striving…
In joy and in sorrow…To forge a tomorrow…Where races and colours…provide for eachother!…
Find peaceful solutions…To heal and to nurture…and build a new future!
Vale: Judy Magassy 2/9/1949 – 3/2 2022
–Budapest Hungary was Judy’s home and her birthplace. Its river, the Danube
Flows through the hills and the flat land: There, opposites are as a oneness.
Little is known of her childhood; repressed was the freedom she needed.
Communist domination of Hungary always affected
Her psychological health and she suffered from paranoia.
Love and hate alternated in swings that were often divided,
In her emotional life, as well as in situations
That she encountered in her patterns of social behavior.
Deep in the heart of her childhood were feelings of fear and suppression.
Viewpoints, which differed from dictator’s governings, stating
How one must think and behave would have to be whispered in secret.
And the tyrannical rule tends to nullify personal ‘Freedom’,
‘Freedom’ she sought all her lifetime and self-expression she valued.
She wanted to be of good service accomplished and cherished by others.
In the Hungarian language, the harmonious chiming of vowels,
Rhythms and assonance, warmth and charm, need to have full expression.
–Somehow her mother upset her emotions. However Judy
Following after her mother, did manage to train as a dentist.
She never actually took up the profession she’d studied…
Not feeling loved or respected not accepted by those whom she needed
Judy rebelled and negated… At last, she got married; and leaving,
Went far away to Australia a ‘stranger’ in this incarnation:
Meaning a person who doesn’t appear to belong together
With a particular group or belong in a place or a setting;
But is connected to one or another, just for the purpose.
Of an explicit unfolding and developing thoughtful awareness.
‘Strangers’ are singular people who learn to awaken their soul-life:
Sensing the whole and becoming ‘as one’ with ‘strange’ countries and places.
–Certainly Judy was one who needed to find her own answers.
Leaving her husband, she travelled from Canberra, going to Melbourne.
Then, when she learned he had died of cancer…indeed she lost feeling;
But, as the time of three years rolled around, she could cry and then mourn him.
And she began to feel and to suffer once more and remember…
–Seeking to find a vocation, embarking on many a training…
Study became her endeavour Psychology – Master’s degree! and …
Chinese Medicine, Reiki, then films and television:
‘Visions’, her program, in which professional work was presented
Finally came into being, with unusual people describing
Something about their unique desires occupations, and strivings.
So that the others could hear their original manner of working…
New unconventional kinds of ideas and progress were given.
Seeking the new ways and means, such as anthroposophical teachings.
‘Visions’ succeeded at least for a time; as a human being,
Judy fulfilled her intentions; ideals transformed into being:
Serving community strivings: intuitive ways to discover
Humanitarian ways of applying the new understandings…
Being a many-sided intelligent, talkative person,
She had acquaintances with many people all over the city.
Interest in the pursuits of her friends was both warm and enduring.
–Judy desired to be loved and needed to have a companion:
Someone to help her live through the lonliness of her existence.
Social skills that were needed were not very easy to come by
Feelings of alienation and argumentative language,
Sometimes destroyed her friendships and needs to be truly accepted.
Meanwhile she had certain problems arranging her homelife and welfare.
Troubles with renting apartments, and cleaning her home seemed to plague her,
Caused her to move many times and feel unrespected and homeless.
Trials were hard to endure; and her pets were an aid to existence.
Cats became much like her children; their comfort and solace they brought her.
Certainly she felt affection for animals; yet it seemed hopeless.
For, she had difficult times with the way to express her affection:
-With the right care and conditions involved with maintaining their welfare,
And the domestic requirements of tidiness in her surroundings.
Anguish she felt more than once when officials demanded eviction,
She was deprived of the cats she adored, and desired to live with.
Judy then turned to religion becoming a Christion, accepting
Friends from the Church and then deeply committing to Christ and aspiring
To overcome, with the help of the Christ and belief in the scriptures.
Living by grace in the spirit became an experience for her.
She had a new place to live and a friend she was sure she could live with.
Then once again came rejection and she was profoundly affected.
Gone was the home she had hoped for; and misunderstandings erupted.
She was disturbed by officials and her cat was removed in her absence.
And she still fought for her right to possess the last cat that was taken.
–How it all happened and, why she then vanished again, is unknown now.
Seeming to be quite alright and living through adverse conditions
Fighting to care for her health and to answer her destiny questions;
Judy desired to win and she fought to arise to the challenge….
She was again taken in planned to go to her friends’ house in Wellmore –
Maybe her health and her mental condition caused anguish too painful.
Maybe attempts to recover the cat were all disappointed.
And she could not or would not make contact again, and somehow
She became ill and she weakened. In a hospital room she passed over.
Whether her problem was mental or physical is not yet certain.
-Judy is over the threshold, her funeral, somewhere in Frankston,
Happened without many knowing and near Ballarat she was buried.
Loved and remembered by friends who pray for her though she has perished:
Feel that she’s finding her way in the Afterlife, guided by Angels.
May she be warmed and assisted to walk in the light that’s eternal:
Healing that never will fail, and forgiveness, in Christ’s holy mercy,
Positive seeking, and healing by heavenly beings and guidance;
So that again in a time, she’ll be re-born and re-incarnated,
Treading the paths of this earthworld to help in the ways that are needed.
Katherine Rudolph
From ‘Ahasver’, by Edgar Quinet 1803-1875
Christmas to the Last Judgement
‘A Play of Initiation’
(With themes selected from the first and last books)
The Small Bird on the Roof Sings to the Christ Child in the Manger
You beautiful small child, awaken now.
Oh look, we birds are just as young as You!
The feathered wreaths that our own heads surround:
As heaven’s halo, here on earth, are found.
‘Tis but for You that our sweet carols sound!
Come, open up your eyes and look around!
How high the sky, and oh, how huge the earth!
Come look and see, the sunrise brings new birth.
With joyful beauty now the deed is won,
And from the Mount of Olives in the sun
The fruit for You has ripened, all as one!
The Angel Rachel Playing the Viola
Three silver strings has the viola, Your Father has given us.
The first tone sounds for Him, who hovers o’er the clouds in heaven.
The second tone shall grace Your Mother, deeply veiled and musing.
The third tone sings for You, the Child most cherished, kind, and loving.
Now sweetly dream, and listen to the verse I sing for You .
What is its meaning? For I see Your bless-ed smiling too.
Your stall is like a ship, that’s wrought and shaped from precious gold.
A crib that lightly rocks, with diamond brightness to behold.
The stable roof with heaven’s jewels is encased.
And from a firmament of wondrous blue, it is embraced.
Oh, do not cry, belov-ed God of all the world,
When rains do harshly fall, and the wild winds whirl.
To shield Your countenance, my wings will open wide,
So no dark clouds will dim Your luminescent eyes.
O’ do not cry, belov-ed God of all the Earth.
My blood preserve Your life from any present dearth.
Behold, to bring You water from the well, the falcon goes
High up above the rocky-arch, there where the water flows.
The bee has flown aloft to heaven’s heights.
What does it bring You? See its glowing light?
It shines much like the sun; it is so sweet and fine;
And its delicious taste is truly so sublime.
The bee has glided down so gently to Your side;
It brings God’s honey; it’s prepared with You in mind.
Now take it at Your mealtime, for it is divine!
Oh, do not cry, belov-ed God of human beings.
Behold the lion who from Jewish lands is coming.
See how his loins he whips by lashing with his tail.
For he is keenly eager, hot with fiery might;
And will not rest ‘til he the coward finds,
Who wants to take You out of safety’s hands.
The Christ Child Awakens: A Dialogue with Mary
Christ Child:
Oh Mother, hold me in your arms!
The Nightingale is piping her sweet song,
And all the little birds do tweet along,
While many storks are ruffling up their feathers,-
But I only want to be with you together –
Close to your heart, so mild and warm.
Child, I will rock you, in the morning light,
The dew will soon appear out of the night.
Christ Child:
Please tell me Mother are you so alone?
Where is the Father that we call our own?
Oh, He lives far out of sight.
Christ Child:
Why is He not with us too?
Why can’t He appear in view?
Lo, the burden He must bear –
It is as heavy as the world is fair.
Christ Child:
Will it be a long time ‘til
We reach the city where he dwells?
Dear Child I am in fear…
That Your small feet could not walk there.
Christ Child:
Yet, when He has finished His travail,
Will He not hurry here again at will?
No, his daily work will never find an end;
But we ourselves must e’er be brave and dare
To seek Him where the time does turn and bend:
His dwelling place is there in the when and where.
Christ Child:
Oh my dear Mother, take your comfort, please…
For I myself am soon to grow much stronger.
Then I will go there to that dwelling place,
And call Him back to be with us much longer.
Yes, Son. You will from plane to plane
Then lead me to Him once again.
Christ Child:
Oh, Mother, tell me, can he, like you, be said
To have a halo glowing ‘round His head?
His radiant halo’s like a high cloud-light;
His cloak’s adorned and sparkles far and wide,
With starry rays that are sublimely bright.
Christ Child:
And is His house far grander than your own?
His house, ah, well, you may call it home:
A sky of blue, He has made for the dome,
The Sun provides the light for His great deed,
The dawn of morning fills His room with gold,
When in triumph, He breaks through the mist
He fills the whole horizon with gold dust
As He steps through the starry threshold.
Prelude to The Last Judgement
In the Cathedral
At the Portal of Paradise
There he lies, the fallen human being is laid out on the slab of stone, sore afflicted, almost dead! His senses are exhausted. And there echoes grievous wailing from the cupula in the heights; it expands up above and rebounds in the trembling heart. Be accursed. Accurs-ed are you! You are banished, cursed, Accurs-ed are you.
Bless-ed are you, Ahasverus!
Have grace on him, O’ Lord most high!
Open up your heav’n to him!
Angels, be merciful unto him!
May your sacred Words of Gods
Open up the door for him,
To the invisible realm of heaven!
Can you not find a place for him?
O’ Ahasver! :
Hearken now and hear:
Open up your eyes; and see the sight!
Behold! Across the threshold there,
The Stars of Paradise now rise!
The Last Judgement
The Ocean thunders
Now God is dead! Now we are free!
Let us go forth to the tomb
Let the funeral march ensue.
Watch out, that it is not for you!
O’ Angel, who now follows me, you, bound to my soul,
Go back to your abode, as night draws near:
Return, for more and more augments my fear.
Have you not seen my well of life, how it runs dry?
How faded is the star to which I held my sight.
The forest that once sheltered me, is plagued with blight.
The earth will soon be barren here and all around.
And soon my shadow cold: no longer will be found.
The night that never finds an end will now begin.
The flowers may well wither, for their day is almost done.
Just let the star grow dim, and now; let finish what’s begun.
And let the herbs dry up, for I will soon find you a well…
In mountain heights, an unknown path I’ll point out, as ends the day.
Lo, it will lead you on, and usher you along the way.
No doubt this path will soon be lost.
And every single track will be wiped out,
On these bare, endless plains, no comfort will be found.
Ahasver, have no fear, continue on.
The more the traces disappear, the more I can discern.
Far away, I recognise what’s not yet visible to you;
Yes, ever closer come the footsteps of my Lord most true.
O’ more and more I see His eye is shining;
His cloak’s spread wide, without it ever ending,
There in the firmament.
Yet my senses can take in
The sign of terror: look, the shining sun is now extinct.
The aura ‘round the head of God can no more be seen.
The sea, before it dies has made a cavern in the cliff
So that the dying Lord, of his own tomb is not bereft.
Stop this! If you want to live on from this night,
Speak not a dead word but a living one of light!
All that I see: dead flowers, stars, and grottos of the sea.
Has not a voice at all: though you speak to your Diety.
O’ let me stop right here, so I can pray for you!
Yes, pray for me! ‘O, that I could believe!
A demon still now menaces, it steals my might,
And would impede me: every step, he fights.
Here is the crossroads, where all being loses ground:
The void.
Therein can be no end, and all hope’s is in dearth.
The storm’s completely seized the ancient earth.
Indeed it shatters, splintering into pieces.
Just one thing remains: my name, lighter than a leaf.
And all is lost except the chalice, which Ahasver still must quaff.
O’ give it to me! And I will drink the half.
Look, now: the dead we honour are coming to us.
Death, to Ahasver
See, your parents are here in the chorus of dead ones.
And your brother as well, whom I summoned.
They want to speak with you, listen.
Jo-el, Brother of Ahasver
O’ you my brother, from where do come ?
Your beard is so long, and so heavy your limb!
A woman is guiding you, with each step: an angel she seems!
She walks a long, long way; is it you she brings?
What is it that you lack, you: bewildered and forlorn?
Are you not like us, from God have we been born?
We have brought nothing for you from our travels
Through cities and desert lands, except: soul trials
Our suffering’s collected in this cup: now drink and gather strength!
Thanks, my brothers. Thanks! The drink does good.
Ahasver to Rachel
We have left the dead ones, far behind.
And now we have the hardest peak to climb.
Up there in mountains of the steepest heights.
Underneath your cloak, I would like to hide.
While you, to the highest cliffs, lift up your eyes.
Experience the purest breath of heights,
So that we can unite our sense of sight.
Compassionate, the cry of angels up above…
Their mercy’s born out of their boundless love.
Let us warm ourselves from their goodness!
See how the hierarchies rise to heaven’s highness.
How undulate their wings with rippling strength?
Do you not see it? O’ Ahasver: speak.
My hope will never die, I pray you, speak!
No! No!
I see naught but a cross that stand on high,
A cross with outspread arms, of a shocking kind.
A cross that waits for him condemned to die,
A cross with nails, and nothing else in sight.
O’ pain! So have your tears now made you blind?
Deceived you in the mist and darkest night?
So that you do not trust my eyes.
And see the Virgin Mary in the light?
She carries in her crown a starry wreath,
And for us both, for forgiveness pleads!
The heart within my breast, it crushes me.
A tenfold weight that will not let me free.
Tears that are bleeding
Can only quell my longing.
The cloth of the Holy One:
Still wet from the weeping
Of the Christ, of the Risen One…
Behold, now before you stands the highest summit.
O’ Angels, that I, to heaven’s city showed the way:
Don’t you know me anymore?
Your rays that I wove, your stars that I sowed?
Have you no words for him, who has now suffered so?
O’ if you could know him in the way that I have known,
Wholehearted empathy would you now show,
To him, the poor wretched one, in deepest pain.
You who comforted, helped to heal him, calling him by name,
Would now pray and plea and exclaim:
Forgive him, Lord, forgive him!
Dialogue between Heaven and Hell
Heaven, listen, I can’t stand this.
I must now take another breath.
Here it’s goes from bad to worse.
I’m on hot coals; I cannot rest.
Let us speak now let’s converse.
Or, you I might grow to detest.
Go ahead, I’m listening.
Someone always thwarts my plans.
Have you the skills to lend a hand?
No, I can only see my suns
Shining between the chasm:
The outcast chained in prison.
And tell me, what else do you see!
My floods are being dammed up,
And a star will soon be drowned.
Speak now. Speak, and hurry on.
Espy for me: the Lord of Hell.
What moves on that far horizon?
Dust swirls around, and there reveals a rider.
To unnamed, unmeasured realms he rides.
In search of where the manifest does hide –
Does he then imagine he’s so clever?
Himself a demi-god, of that he’s dreamt?
Ha! Now I’ve saved myself forever!
He who seemed to be so free and clear,
Now my mocking, holds him in contempt!
Hell commands earth’s execution court;
And each one can condemn by false report.
He who’s smart can advocate and bribe.
He who can reduce and break law’s power,
Can have the humans, bowing, at his feet,
And revels in his shameful glory hour.
Stop, Hades! This shan’t be the final word.
Therefore, do not continue so to boast.
A judge divine and wise, as yet, unheard
Will bind together all that has been lost.
Freedom brought through knowledge, he’ll endow,
An all-encompassing ability for us to comprehend:
Ad spectatores: as impartial viewers, so to know.
When will humans know this change and to what end?
And by which path can one to there be led?
Where lives the magic touching heart and head?
The Eternal Father
The language spoken in my newborn place:
No letters nor conceptions are embraced,
It never need be learned by loving-beings.
In harmony and rhythm joy is breathing.
The joyful, open-hearted call it POETRY!
The water’s dialogue with clefts of rock,
The tinkling of Spring’s silver bells in bloom,
While whisperings of dawn with day are heard,
And wind is sighing with the song of birds,
And coming close to paradise’s likeness,
It changes all into symphonic praise.
Now understand the script of starry brightness.
If Archer’s stars would like to join the Wagon,
They only need declare the following,
Ye fellow travellers, now let me in.
And if the Sea Goat wants to take his cover
Underneath the Virgin’s sheltering;
He just calls out, Please open up the door.
Yea, ev’ry sun sings out its mystery;
The Zodiac is bound through harmony.
Elysium is baptised joyfully.’
Now tell me ‘O Universe, have I not
Another error to forgive?
The Universe
No, Nothing ‘O Lord!
Ewiger Vater
Nor no one to condemn? None without apology?
Indeed! Yes, there is one who wanders day and night.
His beard grows all the way to his feet.
O’ see his plight!
He wants to hide away from God and world alike.
And rests here in my shadow so that You cannot see.
His head sinks to his knees for he’s impure and sick.
Be not angry, Lord, there in your holy heights.
For a long time his name’s been known to you.
He’s called Ahasverus!
Christ the Judge and Redeemer
Ahasver, can you hear me?
Once before, I’ve heard your voice.
Do you now know me once more?
At that time You came to me,
There on the way to Golgatha.
I saw You stop next to my wall,
And by the front door of my home.
Yes, that was the place we met.
But, there I did not know You yet.
And do you see my countenance?
Well, do you know now who I am?
You are my Lord!
Who has told You this?
Your fiery eyes, also my tears,
And Rachel here who’s by my side.
You have wandered far and wide
What have you been seeking?
O’ Lord, I have been cursed,
Peace, I never hope for anymore.
How should the banished one be healed?
Only hurt, and bitter pain’s my part.
I never thought my health would be restored.
You see, I have exiled you so that
As unremitting sinner you’d forever
Need to wander so, from place to place,
And in this cup that’s emptied never,
You would collect all that the human race
Does lack in strength of moral power.
Do you know that you have quaffed it now?
Those tears I feel will never dry.
From the time I glimpsed Your eyes.
Never will the cup be emptied,
Therein the bitterness still lies.
That from my hate was shown.
But in the fearful night-time’s throes
The soul of Rachel did approach….
This morning we two drank the gall
Both of us have drained it all.
The pain that destiny bestowed:
Into ourselves we let it flow.
This we suffered, to transmute
Draught by draught again to You.
The Universe will tell me
In due time and space,
Of any traces that remain
There in the chasm’s wastes,
Which one could not accumulate.
The Universe
Everything destructive that was sown
Is harvested, naught blows in the wind
But, look there rests still at my table
Nourishment that cannot be enjoyed,
Food that no invited guest is able
To consume:
Unfruitful leavings, wasted spume
Charred and petrified and hard,
Repulsive dross, for Eons doomed
That which means despair for humans,
Fears that one cannot discard.
These have all the guests rejected,
With loathing, have they scoured their hands.
Only one has here endured.
An insatiable old fellow
Stayed at the appointed spot,
Waiting ‘til a new tomorrow.
Look, I now have overseen:
I Myself, in bitter need,
Gave you something to accomplish,
And you have fulfilled the deed.
Tell Me if and when you’re planning
To return now to your own dwelling,
Homeward-bound, your heart, o’erflowing?
No, my Lord.
What is living in you mind.
I don’t want rest, no, I want life!
I’ll never seek for gain.
To You only will I strive
My being to transform and change.
Aren’t you tired your past journey?
Oh no! And I’ll begin again this evening.
Forever onward! I’ll not hesitate!
Your light-filled image will be living,
Within me, Lord, through time and rest;
To seek for the realm of spirit being
Wherein I’ll find Your dwelling place.
What companion have you found?
Humankind is still in slumber,
In age-old bonds they still are bound.’
Myself. He’ll always see me by his side.
Yes, Ahasver! She’s the soul who’s saved you!
It is true love alone that pleas and sanctions.
I bless you, Pilgrim of times without end.
New Adam, now your journey will go on.
Return to me the pain’s excessive burden,
That you have borne so faithfully to me.
Now may your foot be ever light and free,
And may the wander-staff be in your hand.
That you can carry now as trusty bond.
That palm-tree-stem with fruit of stars is laden.
Celestial dew will give you the direction.
Your sheltered rest, take, in my cloudy heaven .
And Rachel’s spirit be your true companion.
Traverse from world to world, from realm to realm,
Now as you wander, grace may have dominion.
May streaming starry streets be always found.
From sphere to sphere in ever higher rounds,
From heights to heights, there ever more to climb,
Until you find Me, in the kingdom that is Mine!
Ahasver to his father and his brothers
Farewell my father, and, farewell my brothers.
The Lord has now forgiven me.
Abounding life he’s given free
I’m climbing high and ever higher
Above with conscious trust and expectation,
For I intend a hermit-hut to fashion,
To all who are my brethren spirit-kin.
For you, my loved-ones as for many others.
Who all are striving to the goal together,
And who perhaps have lost sight of the end.
Let not the sense for openness be numbed,
The world be called now through a sounding sign,
That all who hear my bell, rise to awaken!
Closing Concert of the Archangels
Fulfilled is the Mysterium
Though not yet fully ended!
Comes forth: a new Preludium
Sounding instruments which all:
Viola, Organ, Horn, and Lyre
Below above and large and small
All can find their way inside:
In the final chord preside
Of this holy festival.
Yes, future, future sings the Word
That pulses in the Dance of Stars,
From spirit to spirit, from place to place,
The Whole Chorus
O’ Halleluja! Harmony!
For humankind, the highest goal
That our Initiation shows!
One Earth and Heaven
This Poetry is thought to be a recitation, a dialogue with given roles,
accompanied and surrounded by musical compositions.
First translated from French to German by Ruth Dubach. The English version has been translated by Katherine Rudolph.
It’s in the chalice here, now drink the drought of courage