1. Yellow
You’re on your way
With all good cheer
See with the sight!
Infant delight
Butterfly bright!
Feel now no fear
I’m always near.
Being aware
Of this new sphere,
Swing like the breeze.
Living with ease.
Then fall asleep
Till the sun’s rays
Lighting your way
Bright’ning the day,
Waken the link
Quick as a wink.
2. Orange
Golden dawn : out we must;
Going strong : Come with us!
Playing here : Close to home. ,
Step along : Light, the load;
Move in time : on the lawn;
Run and jump : Now we’re on!
We’re all free : Open air…
Fly a kite : If you dare
Making friends : always goes.
Playtime’s end? : No one knows!
3. Vermillion
I find myself, awake to earth.
New challenges, new ways to learn.
What rights have I, what choices wait?
Lend helping hands, improve this place!
Enthusiasm’s, burning bright
Much more to do, for freedom’s might.
The strength we have, the present tasks
The deeds to do, the questions asked…
Let’s meet our match, join hands and romp;
Dance with the beat, hop, skip, and tromp!
4. Carmine
What times of attainment!
Fulfilling the promise,
Of serving and trying,
Of seeking and striving,
Through storm and through trial!
In joy and in sorrow
To forge a tomorrow!
Provide for each other
Find peaceful solutions
Bring forth generations
So what we have fashioned
Will heal and will nurture
And carry the future!
5. Violet
Lend me your healing, O’wisdom of ages;
Tell me the meaning and depths of the sages.
Now when the coal’s russet flame is still glowing,
Let me discern what the signs have been showing,
Teach me the spirit of inwardly growing.
Feeling unburdened and socially flowing,
Willed into thinking transformed into knowing.
6. Ultramarine Blue
Friends will say the hour is darkening;
In the night the stars are sparkling.
Sparkling though the hours be fading,
Seeking for transforming changing,
Now the old can teach the new
Looking back with overview.
To discern the good and true
From the errors that we do,
And keep striving to create
Whatever be the path we take.
Patience wins with fortitude;
Miracles can happen too!
7. Prussian blue
Mother Earth
Shelter us
Make us well.
Heal the ill.
Loose the binds
And the minds
Open doors,
Sooth our hearts:
All that hurts,
All that wounds
Bring the balm
And the calm.
That we feel
Free from stress
And distress.
Every tear,
Comfort’s near.
8. Blue green
Night is free;
Let it be.
Its embrace
Eases pain.
Gone the past,
Peace at last.
With each year.
It grows clear
Seeking change
Is the way
To progress:
Then we rest.
9. Green
Trust the good Spirit
Minions travailing:
Help has been waiting.
Roads that were traveled
Change and unravel;
Backwards you view now
No one would know how:
See how your deeds were
Felt by another.
Find transformation,
Quest for the question’s
Future cognition
Through incarnation.
Vowing to live through
What Karma serves you
Let the sounds chorus
Glorious, wondrous
Rhythms that ring-chime
Building new lifetimes.
10. Yellow-Green.
Veil of the Night
On your soft edge
Green gently breathes
In yellow seas.
Carries me on;
Destiny’s bond;
To Mother Earth
Ready for birth.
Time into space,
Fashioned by grace,
Strongly revere
This earthly sphere!
Now I am whole
Ready, my soul,
Thankful, I donn
My human form.