An Exhibition: Opening Tuesday, 16 September 2014 6–6:45p.m.
Duration – Three Weeks
Followed by a lecture 16/9/14, 7-8:30 pm.
‘Spiritual Evolution and the Therapeutic Process’
The Weekend afterward:
A Watercolour Painting Workshop
Saturday, 20 and Sunday, 21 September, 2014
10 am – 4:30 pm
Venue : Rudolf Steiner House
307 Sussex Street, Sydney
Anthroposophically trained in Australia, Switzerland, and England, Katherine has worked artistically and therapeutically for 24 years in Speech Formation and Visual Art Forms, using various mediums. Her artistic work began in Australia in 1985. She now resides in Melbourne.
The Workshop will include a choice of exercises and sketches related to the theme. Please bring your own brushes if possible. Morning and afternoon teas will be provided, as well as paints and paper. Please register in advance with Diane Watkin – 9550 1682.
Venue : Painting Studio – top floor of The Rudolf Steiner House
307 Sussex Street, Sydney
The nearest station is Town Hall on the City Circle.
Buses run regularly along George Street.
Cost : $100. for the workshop, payable in advance.
Payment can be made at the Bookshop
at 307 Sussex Street, during shop hours.
9264 5169, or direct to Diane Watkin.
Enquiries : to 9550 1682