All of the Festival times – have both inner and outer approaches.
Lands of the North can rejoice – for their seasons, their in-breath and out-breath,
Are to be seen in accordance – with nature’s own growing and wilting.
Lands of the South can develop – a sense of the life after dying,
Bountiful kingdoms of nature – aren’t then as they were in the body.
Thanks to the meaning of Christmas! – Rejoice in the joy of the Northlands.
Carry the inner cognition – in the soul-life of colour’s respiring,
Painting the colours of Mary – imagine the process of nature.
Then, through the sacrifice, conscious – new thoughts and perceptions awaken.
Part One
‘Advent’s bright yellows of Summer – are sending me out from the centre,
Yet,’tis the Festival time – when the blue of the soul-womb is waxing.
Birth of the Christ-Child is nigh – and the victory of true light’s new dawning.
Let me then span the abyss. – In my striving I seek contemplation;
Delving deep into the night – I allow now, while breathing in colour,
Blue to unfold concentration. – Peripheral depths open inward.
Thus, while maintaining devotion, – a spark shall arise in the darkness!
Now I return to the daylight, – and perceive the ripe bushland at Christmas
More than the ‘physical’ blossom – is visible to my perception!’
Viewing the world, with such inner – enhancement may open the vision.
Seeing with eyes of the heart – includes all the earth’s elementals.
Since the first Easter, the Christ – is abounding in kingdoms of nature.
He can now permeate all – the core of our earthly existence.
So let the folk of the South – rejoice at the coming of Christmas.
Gnomes and undines of the rocks – and the streams, flying sylphs of the air-ways;
Brave salamanders now bearing – new seeds, may all help us awaken!
‘Christmas Bush’ is conceived – as a world celebration. It ripens,
‘Forming the fruit,’. and can also – partake in thebirth-celebration.
Humans and elementals – can rejoice in the Southlands together.
For at the ‘birth-time of Jesus’; – the ‘seed’ of all Fests yet to follow,
Started the process of forming, – redeeming the Earth’s evolution.
Fruitful the days! When the children – were born, the sons of two Marys.
by Katherine Rudolph