Hexameter Poetry for Children and Adults
A Workshop
For Anyone Interested in Rhythm and Metres: Pedagogy, Eurythmy, Formative Speech – Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech
In ancient Greece, Homer invoked the ‘Muse’ to tell the stories of the gods in hexameter. Later J.W. Goethe brought the processes of Plant and Animal Metamorphosis in hexameter. A number of poets including Longfellow and Yeats told stories and legends using that same metre…
This falling rhythm using Dactylus, has significant therapeutic benefit for the harmonisation of pulse and breath, and specific help for stutterers and those needing to focus on sense-world observation and picture-making.
In this workshop – translations from Goethe as well, as original hexameter poetry for children, about Ten Greek Gods : by Katherine Rudolph will be presented, spoken, and moved using Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech. Individual help as well as group work will serve as an introduction to this ancient metre which lets us experience a universal balance of the human being in harmony with the cosmos.
Venue: The Melbourne Therapy Centre, Garden Room
221 Wonga Road, Warranwood, Vic, 3134
Time: Saturday, 25 March, 2023 2:30 – 6:00 pm
Cost: $50.00 or 40 LETS points and $10
Refreshments included
Call: Melbourne Therapy Centre: 9876 3011
Katherine Rudolph 0413770020