Start the New Year creating watercolour, and pastel artwork with Katherine Rudolph.
Eight weekly sessions, two hours each, dedicated to experiencing the colour wisdom gleaned through indications given by Rudolf Steiner.
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm, Saturdays, beginning 2/2/19.
Venue: The Garden Room, Melbourne Therapy Centre, 221 Wonga Road, Warranwood.
Fees: $40 per session – monthly payments recommended
- Let’s accepted – one-half points, and one-half cash.
- Minimal cost of supplies – to be negotiated.
- 6 – 8 participants needed.
- Patients of the MTC who have cancer receive a half price discount.
- Late Registration is accepted.
Call 0413 770 020 or the MTC 98763011
Katherine Rudolph