Bibliography and Acknowledgements
Information and verses used throughout this website are either my own work or have been taken from the following resources, as referred to throughout the website:
1. Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech; Barbara Denjean-von Stryk and Dietrich von Bonin; 2000; Verlag Freies Geistesleben and Urachhans GMBH Stuttgart; English Version © Floris Books; Edinburgh; 2003
2. Foundations of Anthroposophical Medicine, A Training Manual; Edited by Guus van der Bie & Machteld Huber; Published by Floris Books in 2003; Nederlandse Vereniging van Antroposofische Artsen
3. Speech and Drama; Rudolf Steiner; © 1959 Anthroposophical Publishing Co; London
4. Sing Me The Creation; Paul Matthews; 1994; Hawthorn Press; Strond, GL5 1BJ, UK
5. Journey Through Time In Verse and Rhyme, Poems Collected by Heather Thomas for Teachers of Children; Heather Thomas; 1987; Rudolf Steiner Press; London WC1
6. Longfellow, Poetical Works; Oxford Standard Authors, 1973; Oxford University Press, Ely House, London WC1. pps 144, 145; pps 150-153